As former recruiters and leaders within the recruitment industry, we use our expertise and knowledge of best practices across the industry to help you develop your teams to their maximum potential.
There are 3 core streams to our training services:
1 – New recruit academies
2 – Upskilling your existing fee-earning team
3 – Management development
New recruit training academies – help you to establish the best practices within your firm. These tailored training programmes ensure consistency of onboarding, that everyone can perform their job effectively and efficiently and that their time to productivity is reduced.

The content can be designed using our tried and tested techniques or we can integrate your unique processes and values. Bespoke content will include useful structures to help the learners remember processes, gamification to drive engagement and role-plays to practice in a safe environment.
Our trainers have supported start-up recruitment firms through to large global corporates across the UK, North America, Australia and mainland Europe with content design and training facilitation. Typical academies include content on sourcing talent, questioning skills, qualifying candidates, managing the process, job qualification and control, business development, objection handling and negotiations etc.

Upskilling your existing team
Ensures they are keeping on top of industry pressures, staying relevant and helps your staff retention rates
The training budget can easily be blown on the new recruits and it can leave your existing team floundering.
The most successful recruitment firms invest in their people across the board. Taking the time to understand your team’s strengths and development areas can not only prepare you for industry pressures around the corner but also help them move up the ladder and take on more responsibility.
For example, if you feel very reliant on contingency recruitment, consider upskilling the team on selling retained searches. If you feel your people are very reactive, consider upskilling them in sales strategizing. If their job fill rates are not as good as you’d like, re-emphasise the core processes that we know get results.
Whatever your team need to progress and develop, talk to us and there may just be a workshop or a programme that can be designed to grow their confidence or upskill them.
Managing excellence programme
Effective leadership drives motivation, engagement and ultimately results
Designed for team leaders, new managers or managers who would benefit from formal management development, this programme is appropriate for all job functions providing there is (or will be) a people-management element. 6 modules with a recommended 1 month between and 2 one-on-one coaching sessions for each learner.

The programme sees managers understanding more about the different styles of leadership, the differences between management and leadership and how each individual within their team is likely to need a different style of leadership.
We cover topics that include motivation, delegation, managing performance, driving accountability, coaching skills, praise and reprimand, recruiting and nurturing talent, building high-performing teams, decision making and getting the balance right between managing and fee earning.
Additional topics are available as bolt-ons, for example, managing change, presentation skills etc.
The NorthStar dashboards and scorecards can help you track your business performance, analyse trends, drive efficiencies, improve effectiveness and understand customers better.
We provide a facilitated one-day workshop to determine the development and measurement of your key metrics and determine the design of your dashboard and scorecards. Our workshop Is focused on the following:
1. Improving results and culture
2. Transforming strategy to reality
3. Successful implementation
4. Operational dashboard management
5. The importance of a good strategy
6. The tools for the job
You can then choose to work closely or remotely with us, to put in place a programme to help you achieve your goals using these tools.